Hi everybody. My name is Jenifer. This is my first time using Blogger.
I have changed the template by adding our team members' names under the name of the blog. I have also changed the template from the tropical theme to a more basic theme. I have also added a short paragraph that defines Assistive Technology.
In the February 12, post Danielle shared a video that shows how Assistive Technology (AT) can help the blind "read" books but what exactly is AT?
According to Assistive Technology Industry Association, AT is "products, equipment, and systems that enhance learning, working and daily living for persons with disabilities." AT technology helps people who have difficulty reading, writing, speaking, remembering, hearing, and walking. The goal of AT is to help people with disabilities increase, improve or maintain their functional capabilities. Examples of AT include:
- Computer Software: screen readers and communication programs
- Computer Hardware: special switches, keyboards, or pointing devices
- Low-tech: magnifying glasses, extra lighting sources, or communication boards
- Hardware: prosthetics or mounting systems
This is not an all-inclusive list as AT is customized to a user's needs.
Source: https://www.atia.org/at-resources/what-is-at/
Thanks for doing all of that! I have NO idea where to start, but I'm hoping to learn as we go along.